Private Sponsors

Sincere thanks to our private sponsors

We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our private sponsors whose personal contributions make our tennis tournament in Klosters so special. Your individual commitment and passion for the sport of tennis is profound and inspiring. Thanks to you, we can offer a platform that not only promotes the sport, but also unites community and sporting spirit. Your trust and support are at the heart of our success and we are deeply grateful to have you as part of our tennis family.

Match Sponsors

Katharina von der Schulenburg

Peter Whale

Satz Sponsors

Adriana Ospel

Beate & Daniel Sprecher

Familie Wegmüller

Jutta Dixon

Monica & Wolfgang Diez von Stockar

Raymond Bisang

Game Sponsors

Daniel & Madleine Müller

Luciano Respini

Marion Theus

Mark Eaton

Ursula à Porta

Punkt Sponsors

Carina Tschirky

Christian & Anita Hew

Christian Bardill

Heinz Kaiser

Ingrid Sturzenegger

Katrin Meier

Liane Alban

Linda & Ulrich Oswald

Lukas Umiker

Marie-Christine Jäger-Firmenich

Maya Vogelsanger

Peter Wenk

Pierina Engi

Roland Albrecht

Stefan Darnuzer

Thim Van der Laan

Thomas Von Planta

Ulrich Kappeler

Urs Jäger

Ursula Bamert

Vanessa Mutinga-Langloh

Vetsch Klosters AG